Hugh H. Armstrong, Sr. University Honors Program Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1998 by Mr. Hugh “Mack” Armstrong Jr. and T.J. Turner to honor Hugh H. Armstrong, Sr. Armstrong, Sr. was born in Savannah, Georgia in 1920 and served as president of Hugh H. Armstrong Enterprises. He graduated from Georgia Tech in 1943 where he was the manager of the cross-country team, a member of the co-op club, R.O.T.C., and Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. During World War II, Armstrong, Sr. was the company commander of the 32nd Infantry Division and was stationed in Luzon, Philippines. He later was a company commander of the 24th Infantry Division in the Army occupation in Japan. In 1947, Armstrong, Sr. resigned from the regular Army and returned to Savannah where he founded the Chatham Picture Framing Company. In 1952, he founded the Hugh Armstrong Real Estate Company and in 1955, the Armstrong Construction Company. During his life, Mr. Armstrong served as President of Kamm Drilling Company, charter member and President of Savannah, Georgia Tech Club, charter member and President of Home Builder’s Association, Director of Atlantic Bank and Bank South, vestry and junior warden of St. John’s Episcopal Church, member of the Oglethorpe Club, member of the Savannah Yacht Club, and a member of the First City Club. This scholarship is available to members of the University Honors Program.