Saba Jallow Legacy Fund

Dr. Jallow joined Georgia Southern University as a faculty member in 1989. Throughout his career, Dr. Jallow has demonstrated an unfailing commitment to Africana Studies, Georgia Southern’s students, and building diverse and inclusive communities. Essential to Dr. Jallow’s profound influence on his students and community is his service as Director of the Africana Studies Program and his leadership of the Model African Union.

Dr. Jallow’s long-lasting impact on students and the community stem from his passion for education and steadfast leadership, mentorship, and friendship to countless students, colleagues, and community leaders. Highlighting the high esteem in which Dr. Jallow is held by students, colleagues, and the greater community, Dr. Jallow has received numerous awards, including the Black Student Alliance Outstanding Professor Award (2015), the Randolph S. Gunter Distinguished Faculty Award (2018), and the Democratic Party of Bulloch County Charlie Lewis, Sr. Democratic Pioneer Award (2019).

This scholarship is available for students enrolled in the Africana Studies Program at Georgia Southern University.
